
Where do you store your passwords

10.Aug.2015 — Julio

Do you trust in cloud services like Dropbox, Onedrive, Google Drive ... to store your private data?
No I don't. I prefer local data. If my data is stolen is only my fault.

Do you need many passwords to manage your workday?
Yes I do.

Do you prefer plain text files over other kind?
Yes I do. They will be read forever? I guess...

Do you want a little security for your data?
Encrypts your data!

So I store all my login-passwords in a plain text file and I do not store it in cloud services, and they are encrypted.

I need to access my data everywhere, and quickly. This is my method.

  • I write in a plain text my sensitive data.
  • I cipher that file.
  • I store in my own server.

But I said I need it quickly and everywhere?

  • I use ssh to access to my server.
  • I use a script to search data I need.

Script code to cipher a file (and remove original plain text file):

if openssl aes-256-cbc -e -in DATA -out DATA.aes  
    rm -i DATA  

Script code to decrypt file:

if openssl aes-256-cbc -d -in DATA.aes -out DATA  
    echo "Success!"  

Script code to decrypt file, search your required data and remove again de original file:

if openssl aes-256-cbc -d -in DATA.aes -out DATA  
    cp searchIt_conf.sav searchIt_conf.txt  
    python ./ "$1"  
    rm DATA  
    echo "Deleted!"  

I use a pyhon sript to search into a file, but you can change "python script" with grep, or awk, or ...
so this one is easier:

if openssl aes-256-cbc -d -in DATA.aes -out DATA  
    grep $1 DATA   
    rm DATA  
    echo "Deleted!"  

Tags: bash, security

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